Monday, May 09, 2011


We went to this amazing place, did a little work, were fed like kings and had a wonderful time. I posted pics on if you wanna see all 500+ in an organized way.

Wales is a beautiful place with incredible landscapes that look over rolling hills until you see tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I took this picture with a new camera.


Hey, if Scott can recover from FaceBook-itis then so can I. I'm here to say - - - byebye facebook! This is a place where you only see my thoughts, not all of our shared friends' thoughts. . . this is my world where I can say what I want and if you don't like it. . . .sorry.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Vs. Jesus

Disclaimer...I did not write this. But I was not able to find out who actually wrote it so if anyone out there knows who wrote it...please let me know! Thanks!

Santa lives at the North Pole… JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh… JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year… JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies… JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited… JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited.
You have to wait in line to see Santa… JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap… JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn’t know your name, all he can say is “Hi little boy or girl, what’s your name?”… JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly… JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO… JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says “You better not cry”… JESUS says, “Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.”
Santa’s little helpers make toys… JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but… JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree… JESUS became our gift and died on a tree.

It’s obvious there is really no comparison. We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas, Jesus is still the reason for the season.
Yes, JESUS is better, He is even better than Santa Claus.
Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Life to Life

December 8, 2010 Ron’s mom passed from life to life. She is now with the Lord -probably bossing the angels! It seems to be a hard way to end 2010 but maybe not. Eternal life is great, I’m looking forward to it myself and she is there already! Gosh, knowing she is pain free, able to walk and talk to her hearts content is a great thing!

Thank you Jesus for the peace of know exactly where she is!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life Changes

In some ways it's hard to believe it's almost December. Our lives have changed a lot in the last year, so I thought I would just talk about it.

Hmm, I went from working 4 hours a week to working 30. That's not my favorite thing, but it's life and matches my cute red car. When the Honda is paid for - I quit.

Ron still LOVES his job. Some days that's a huge blessing and other days it makes me sad. I used to be the love of his life and now it's "fun" which is what he calls work.

Mom and Dad are still traveling the southwest in search of the perfect tan. I gotta say, if it were me I would be more successful, but they use sunscreen, hats, and sit in the shade. That is no way to get a tan! This Thanksgiving, I wish I were with them because it was cold, wet and icky.

My brother Scott found a new wife, she has the same name but is much smaller. My brother Tim is doing the same thing! Brothers - stick with your women, they are the best! Because they have tolerated you much longer than I ever did.

Well, I have rambled a bit, but the biggest change is Ron's Mom. Lou is in hospice and they are counting her time in days and hours. I never thought this time would come, she is a strong fighter who has defied odds and lived longer than any doctor thought possible. She headed to the hospital for her annual Thanksgiving trip and won't be going home. Or a better way of saying it is that she is going HOME sooner than the rest of us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Sunflowers


I have never grown sunflowers before and I'm amazed at how easy it is to do! They are so beautiful!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!
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