Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interesting. . .

So, in respect to my last post - here I go!


This was interesting, nice to see the verbage. I wonder if the right people will read it, like politicians and their odd friends.

1 comment:

scott said...

hi, wrote a long (long!) post in response and somewhere it got lost... either I forgot to save it, or my computer died or it was too big or??? I don't know.

But in essence... I believe the Manhattan Declaration you link to is based upon false facts... the three truths? Well, they're only truths if you believe them to be true, right?

#1 - human life.... yeah sure, whatevever... I challange you to find a culture PLANET WIDE that does not agree... it's a total duh. So since every living person on this planet believes in the right to life at some fundamental level.... what does this really say??? ...sanctity of human life..... sanctity of human life..... sanctity of human life..... sanctity of human life....

Nope, don't get it. If we all believe in life, then who doesn't? ummm... people who take life? YEAH, that's it. Ok, so people who take life don't believe in the sanctity of life. Ok, so who takes life???

criminals? well yeah, sure, but we knew that. They're going to hell for their crimes, right?

politicians? AHAH so here we really hit the crux of the matter. Politicians might personally agree with the sanctity fo human life (remember point 1, we all agree, duh?) but legally they still allow us to take life for habitual criminals who commit crimes that are....

So it's a dilemma and since the death penalty on earth is permissible for sinners on earth... then really we believe in the sanctity of human life so long as it suits us... is that it?

#2 - dignity of marriage???? like it's man standing there with a stiff back and straight shoulders... dignity??
And "Conjugal" means union... so the union of man and wife is a union? No shit sherlock.
Really, I take this to mean "no gays allowed".... really. read between the lines.... a conjugal union of man and woman... well conjugal means union so this line is specifically saying 'man and woman' as if they could somehow read god's mind and deduce through their own personal efforts that god thinks men and women should form unions, not anyone else.


says who???

#3... well that all sounds good but have you really looked up "conscience liberty"???? freedom of conscience?? I think that's what most criminals and child molesters have!!!!!

check this out: http://www.entrewave.com/view/reformedonline/Christian%20Liberty.htm

Scroll down to "Liberty of Conscience"

No... I totally don't get that Manhattan declaration as anything more than the babbling of a madman twisting the words to fit his needs and to sound sanctimonious... but really they're hateful.


In summary, I read in the Manhattan Declaration:
1)if you believe in the death sentence then you'll go to hell
2) If you're gay you'll go to hell
3) If you are free from guilt you'll go to hell

Whoah... that's not a happy message, is it? I agree with you, I hope this message goes to the right folks... you know, people like me.

Or am I wrong too?